Wednesday, December 11, 2013





Jennifer Berube
Hey there I was wondering if you could help me again? I have a couple things that I am not to sure what they say. If you could help me that would be great.

no problem
on the left, there are 4 chinese characters. the reading sequence is from top right 德 - bottom right 昌 - top left 陶 - bottom left 瓷 德 and 昌 forms a brand name or company name, 陶瓷 means ceramic.
on the right, there are 3 chinese characters. there is no specific reading sequence as each of the character stands individually. top character is 囍(happiness, this character is commonly seen at wedding ceremony) ; bottom left is an inverted 福(good fortune, this character is inverted as it means good fortune has arrived); bottom right is 壽 (longevity)
Thank you so much for your help

no problem


Saturday, June 22, 2013


今天约了纵相老师为我解盘。虽然早起,但摸索一番才出门,迟了十多分钟,很惭愧。老师其实也在搞着打印星盘时盘不合纸张尺寸的问题。向我求助,我先在打印机驱动软体方面下手,唯不得要领。我想了一想,就试试在网页那边先缩小星盘至87%,然后才按"打印"。这方法行得通! 好高兴,换着是以前的我,肯定没耐心去细想问题所在,试了一两招后必告诉对方我已束手无策。这次事件我看到了自己脑袋已有点进步。老师也说可能我是注定来帮他的。那种可以利用自己所知来帮人的感觉,很使人满足!
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